
Treffer 1-15 von 124 (Suchzeit: 0.005 Sekunden).
Treffer Dokumente:
ErscheinungsdatumTitelBeteiligte Person(en)
18-Nov-2022U.S. Constitutional + Administrative Law (F) : U.S. constitutional and administrative law with selected in-class exercisesSteger, Nyasa Lisa
20-Nov-2021How Irish, Swiss and Dutch tax policy harms children abroadDufresne, Alexandra
2021Raubkunst und Restitution : zwischen Kolonialzeit und Washington PrinciplesWeller, Matthias; Kemle, Nicolai; Dreier, Thomas; Kuprecht, Karolina
2021Legal representation and systemic advocacy for asylum-seekers and immigration detainees : a comparative U.S., Swiss and international perspectiveDufresne, Alexandra
2021Indigenous peoples cultural heritage : the legal frameworkKuprecht, Karolina
17-Dez-2020Déréférencement des résultats de moteurs de recherche : aussi en droit suisse?Pasquier, Bruno
14-Jun-2020Extended state foster care is a necessity during COVID-19Dufresne, Alexandra
11-Mai-2020Title IX college sexual assault rules are changing : as a former dean, I have some concernsDufresne, Alexandra
20-Feb-2020Trump's controversial pardons for 'white collar' criminals will have global consequences he can't even comprehendDufresne, Alexandra
28-Jan-2020If you know anything about the Constitution, you know Republicans have no choice : they have to subpoena John BoltonDufresne, Alexandra
20-Jan-2020Der datenschutzrechtliche Auskunftsanspruch nach Art. 15 DSGVOGriesinger, Marcel
16-Jan-2020On impeachment, US senators are bound by oath to ‘do impartial justice’Dufresne, Alexandra
2020Competition and consumer protection policies for inclusive development in the digital eraKrauskopf, Patrick; Babey, Fabio
2020Crowdfunding and initial coin offeringsAyer, Jean-Marie; Pasquier, Bruno
2020Das Recht der Verantwortlichkeit von Unternehmen/Verbänden für Straftaten : der Rechtszustand de lege lata in der Schweiz, in Österreich, im Fürstentum Liechtenstein und in DeutschlandPflaum, Sonja
Treffer 1-15 von 124 (Suchzeit: 0.005 Sekunden).