Publikationstyp: Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
Art der Begutachtung: Peer review (Publikation)
Titel: The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme for mental, neurological, and substance use conditions : the new and updated guideline recommendations
Autor/-in: Brohan, Elaine
Chowdhary, Neerja
Dua, Tarun
Barbui, Corrado
Thornicroft, Graham
Kestel, Dévora
Ali, Amza
Assanangkornchai, Sawitri
Brodaty, Henry
Carli, Vladimir
El Chammay, Rabih
Chang, Odille
Collins, Pamela Y.
Cuijpers, Pim
Dowrick, Christopher
Eaton, Julian
Ferri, Cleusa P.
Fortes, Sandra
Hengartner, Michael P.
Humayun, Asma
Jette, Nathalie
de Vries, Petrus J.
Medina-Mora, Maria Elena
Murthy, Pratima
Nadera, Dinah
Newton, Charles
Njenga, Michael
Omigbodun, Olayinka
Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin
Rahman, Atif
Fortunato dos Santos, Palmira
Saxena, Shekhar
Vijayakumar, Lakshmi
Wang, Huali
Wattanavitukul, Pichayanan
Yewnetu, Enat
Carswell, Ken
Chatterjee, Sudipto
Fatima, Batool
Fleischmann, Alexandra
Gray, Brandon
Hanlon, Charlotte
Hanna, Fahmy
Krupchanka, Dzmitry
Malik, Aiysha
van Ommeren, Mark
Poznyak, Vladimir
Seeher, Katrin
Servili, Chiara
Weissbecker, Inka
Baingana, Florence
Alfonzo Bello, Luis
Bruni, Andrea
Jorge Dos Santos Ferreira Borges Bigot, Ana Carina
Dorji, Chencho
Vandendyck, Martin
Lazeri, Ledia
Monteiro, Maristela Goldnadel
Rani, Manju
Saeed, Khalid
e Souza, Renato Oliveira
Ameyan, Wole
Baltag, Valentina
Branca, Francesco
Cappello, Bernadette
Cometto, Giorgio
Dalil, Suraya
Gabrielli, Albis
Huttner, Benedikt
Jaramillo, Ernesto
Khan, Taskeen
King, Jonathan
Krech, Ruediger
Roebbel, Nathalie
Tran, Nhan
Sumi, Yuka
Syed, Shams
et. al: No
DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(23)00370-X
Erschienen in: The Lancet Psychiatry
Band(Heft): 11
Heft: 2
Seite(n): 155
Seiten bis: 158
Erscheinungsdatum: Feb-2024
Verlag / Hrsg. Institution: Elsevier
ISSN: 2215-0366
Sprache: Englisch
Fachgebiet (DDC): 362: Gesundheits- und Sozialdienste
616.89: Psychische Störungen, klinische Psychologie und Psychiatrie
Zusammenfassung: The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) guideline update reflects 15 years of investment in reducing the treatment gap and scaling up care for people with mental, neurological, and substance use (MNS) conditions. It was produced by a guideline development group and steering group, with support from topic experts, using quantitative and qualitative evidence and a systematic review of use of mhGAP. 90 recommendations from the 2015 guideline update were validated and endorsed for use in their current format. These are joined by 30 revised recommendations and 18 new recommendations, including a new module on anxiety. Psychological interventions are emphasised as treatments and digitally delivered interventions feature across many modules, as well as updated recommendations for psychotropic medicines. Research gaps identified include the need for evidence from low-resource settings and on the views of people with lived experience of MNS conditions. The revised recommendations ensure that mhGAP continues to offer high-quality, timely, transparent, and evidence-based guidance to support non-specialist health workers in low-income and middle-income countries in providing care to individuals with MNS conditions.
Volltext Version: Publizierte Version
Lizenz (gemäss Verlagsvertrag): Lizenz gemäss Verlagsvertrag
Departement: Angewandte Psychologie
Organisationseinheit: Psychologisches Institut (PI)
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Publikationen Angewandte Psychologie

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Zur Langanzeige
Brohan, E., Chowdhary, N., Dua, T., Barbui, C., Thornicroft, G., Kestel, D., Ali, A., Assanangkornchai, S., Brodaty, H., Carli, V., El Chammay, R., Chang, O., Collins, P. Y., Cuijpers, P., Dowrick, C., Eaton, J., Ferri, C. P., Fortes, S., Hengartner, M. P., et al. (2024). The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme for mental, neurological, and substance use conditions : the new and updated guideline recommendations. The Lancet Psychiatry, 11(2), 155–158.
Brohan, E. et al. (2024) ‘The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme for mental, neurological, and substance use conditions : the new and updated guideline recommendations’, The Lancet Psychiatry, 11(2), pp. 155–158. Available at:
E. Brohan et al., “The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme for mental, neurological, and substance use conditions : the new and updated guideline recommendations,” The Lancet Psychiatry, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 155–158, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(23)00370-X.
BROHAN, Elaine, Neerja CHOWDHARY, Tarun DUA, Corrado BARBUI, Graham THORNICROFT, Dévora KESTEL, Amza ALI, Sawitri ASSANANGKORNCHAI, Henry BRODATY, Vladimir CARLI, Rabih EL CHAMMAY, Odille CHANG, Pamela Y. COLLINS, Pim CUIJPERS, Christopher DOWRICK, Julian EATON, Cleusa P. FERRI, Sandra FORTES, Michael P. HENGARTNER, Asma HUMAYUN, Nathalie JETTE, Petrus J. DE VRIES, Maria Elena MEDINA-MORA, Pratima MURTHY, Dinah NADERA, Charles NEWTON, Michael NJENGA, Olayinka OMIGBODUN, Afarin RAHIMI-MOVAGHAR, Atif RAHMAN, Palmira FORTUNATO DOS SANTOS, Shekhar SAXENA, Lakshmi VIJAYAKUMAR, Huali WANG, Pichayanan WATTANAVITUKUL, Enat YEWNETU, Ken CARSWELL, Sudipto CHATTERJEE, Batool FATIMA, Alexandra FLEISCHMANN, Brandon GRAY, Charlotte HANLON, Fahmy HANNA, Dzmitry KRUPCHANKA, Aiysha MALIK, Mark VAN OMMEREN, Vladimir POZNYAK, Katrin SEEHER, Chiara SERVILI, Inka WEISSBECKER, Florence BAINGANA, Luis ALFONZO BELLO, Andrea BRUNI, Ana Carina JORGE DOS SANTOS FERREIRA BORGES BIGOT, Chencho DORJI, Martin VANDENDYCK, Ledia LAZERI, Maristela Goldnadel MONTEIRO, Manju RANI, Khalid SAEED, Renato Oliveira E SOUZA, Wole AMEYAN, Valentina BALTAG, Francesco BRANCA, Bernadette CAPPELLO, Giorgio COMETTO, Suraya DALIL, Albis GABRIELLI, Benedikt HUTTNER, Ernesto JARAMILLO, Taskeen KHAN, Jonathan KING, Ruediger KRECH, Nathalie ROEBBEL, Nhan TRAN, Yuka SUMI und Shams SYED, 2024. The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme for mental, neurological, and substance use conditions : the new and updated guideline recommendations. The Lancet Psychiatry. Februar 2024. Bd. 11, Nr. 2, S. 155–158. DOI 10.1016/S2215-0366(23)00370-X
Brohan, Elaine, Neerja Chowdhary, Tarun Dua, Corrado Barbui, Graham Thornicroft, Dévora Kestel, Amza Ali, et al. 2024. “The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme for Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Conditions : The New and Updated Guideline Recommendations.” The Lancet Psychiatry 11 (2): 155–58.
Brohan, Elaine, et al. “The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme for Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Conditions : The New and Updated Guideline Recommendations.” The Lancet Psychiatry, vol. 11, no. 2, Feb. 2024, pp. 155–58,

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