Publikationstyp: Konferenz: Sonstiges
Art der Begutachtung: Editorial review
Titel: From an occupational perspective, in what ways is inclusive education facilitated internationally and in a local context in Switzerland : are all voices heard?
Autor/-in: Echsel, Angelika
Schulze, Christina
Jones, Margaret
Hocking, Clare
et. al: No
Angaben zur Konferenz: 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress, Occupational R-Evolution, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022
Erscheinungsdatum: 30-Aug-2022
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwörter: Occupational perspective; School; Inclusive
Fachgebiet (DDC): 371: Schulen und schulische Tätigkeiten
Zusammenfassung: Objectives and Significance: Inclusive schools teach children skills to engage with each other and do things together in classrooms, playgrounds, and other places, disregarding differences in abilities, gender, race, class, and language. Inclusive education is contextualised within local systems, varying across socio-historical and cultural settings. Efforts to promote inclusive education increasingly focus on children in their social context at school, with growing awareness that inclusive education needs to be human rights-based. However, research to date has predominantly canvassed teachers’ perspectives and focused on academic outcomes, excluding broader concerns of doings together, experiencing participation and subsequently, social inclusion. The guiding research question was: From an occupational perspective, how is inclusive education facilitated in mainstream schools? Method: Following a scoping review of international research findings encompassing social, health and educational standpoints on inclusive education, case study research was conducted at two Swiss primary schools. Both methods explored the experiences, views, and interactions of children, teachers, other staff, and parents in a specific context shaped by the school environment, culture, politics and attitudes. The cases were analysed individually and comparatively using an interpretive approach. Impact / Results: Attending to all voices revealed a more holistic understanding of social interaction, inclusion and doing things together at school. Preliminary results suggest how children’s and adults’ views on inclusive education can be respected and actioned in practice, policy and society. Conclusion / Outcomes: Bringing an occupational perspective, underpinned by human rights, to inclusive education can contribute to educating for diversity, building inclusive societies for the future.
Volltext Version: Publizierte Version
Lizenz (gemäss Verlagsvertrag): Keine Angabe
Departement: Gesundheit
Organisationseinheit: Institut für Ergotherapie (IER)
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Publikationen Gesundheit

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Zur Langanzeige
Echsel, A., Schulze, C., Jones, M., & Hocking, C. (2022, August 30). From an occupational perspective, in what ways is inclusive education facilitated internationally and in a local context in Switzerland : are all voices heard? 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress, Occupational R-Evolution, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022.
Echsel, A. et al. (2022) ‘From an occupational perspective, in what ways is inclusive education facilitated internationally and in a local context in Switzerland : are all voices heard?’, in 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress, Occupational R-Evolution, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022.
A. Echsel, C. Schulze, M. Jones, and C. Hocking, “From an occupational perspective, in what ways is inclusive education facilitated internationally and in a local context in Switzerland : are all voices heard?,” in 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress, Occupational R-Evolution, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022, Aug. 2022.
ECHSEL, Angelika, Christina SCHULZE, Margaret JONES und Clare HOCKING, 2022. From an occupational perspective, in what ways is inclusive education facilitated internationally and in a local context in Switzerland : are all voices heard? In: 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress, Occupational R-Evolution, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022. Conference presentation. 30 August 2022
Echsel, Angelika, Christina Schulze, Margaret Jones, and Clare Hocking. 2022. “From an Occupational Perspective, in What Ways Is Inclusive Education Facilitated Internationally and in a Local Context in Switzerland : Are All Voices Heard?” Conference presentation. In 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress, Occupational R-Evolution, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022.
Echsel, Angelika, et al. “From an Occupational Perspective, in What Ways Is Inclusive Education Facilitated Internationally and in a Local Context in Switzerland : Are All Voices Heard?” 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress, Occupational R-Evolution, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022, 2022.

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