Publikationstyp: Konferenz: Sonstiges
Art der Begutachtung: Keine Begutachtung
Titel: Enabling and hindering factors to cope at home environment after slow-stream-rehabilitation : insights from the qualitative study part
Autor/-in: Zigan, Nicole
et. al: No
Angaben zur Konferenz: 6th Nursing Home Research International Conference, Toulouse, France, 2-3 June 2022
Erscheinungsdatum: 2-Jun-2022
Sprache: Englisch
Fachgebiet (DDC): 610.73: Pflege
618.97: Geriatrie
Zusammenfassung: Background: After discharge home the relatives often provide support and informal care to the former patient. Dealing with many new demands is challenging for both patient and relatives. Objectives: The second objective of the PAN study was to explore and describe how the former patients and their relatives coped at home after discharge, inclusively barriers and supportive factors. Methods: Sixteen semi-structured individual or dyad interviews were conducted with 19 relatives (children, spouses, or friends) and 4 former patients of SSR, the mean interview duration was 55 minutes. The interviews took place three to twelve months after discharge from SSR and were conducted from August 2020 to May 2021. The interviews were analysed using content analysis. Results: The participants were between 33 and 88 years old. The results indicate that the former patients’ ability to cope at home after SSR requires a more supportive and flexible social network than before SSR. Relatives were predominately involved in tasks related to organising and supporting the former patients with basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL/IADL), like preventive activities to ensure the functional status and safety at home. A strong hindering factor for relatives were practical issues with the outpatient care services, such as plannability, communication, and lack of staff continuity. Conclusions: Appropriate professional support of patients and caregivers related to prevention and safety at home before discharge from SSR ward. Relatives experience a sudden increase in support tasks and have to take many of responsibilities to manage care and would benefit from low-threshold professional support.
Volltext Version: Publizierte Version
Lizenz (gemäss Verlagsvertrag): Lizenz gemäss Verlagsvertrag
Departement: Gesundheit
Organisationseinheit: Institut für Pflege (IPF)
Publiziert im Rahmen des ZHAW-Projekts: Prevention Admission into Nursing Homes (PAN B)
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Publikationen Gesundheit

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Zur Langanzeige
Zigan, N. (2022, June 2). Enabling and hindering factors to cope at home environment after slow-stream-rehabilitation : insights from the qualitative study part. 6th Nursing Home Research International Conference, Toulouse, France, 2-3 June 2022.
Zigan, N. (2022) ‘Enabling and hindering factors to cope at home environment after slow-stream-rehabilitation : insights from the qualitative study part’, in 6th Nursing Home Research International Conference, Toulouse, France, 2-3 June 2022.
N. Zigan, “Enabling and hindering factors to cope at home environment after slow-stream-rehabilitation : insights from the qualitative study part,” in 6th Nursing Home Research International Conference, Toulouse, France, 2-3 June 2022, Jun. 2022.
ZIGAN, Nicole, 2022. Enabling and hindering factors to cope at home environment after slow-stream-rehabilitation : insights from the qualitative study part. In: 6th Nursing Home Research International Conference, Toulouse, France, 2-3 June 2022. Conference presentation. 2 Juni 2022
Zigan, Nicole. 2022. “Enabling and Hindering Factors to Cope at Home Environment after Slow-Stream-Rehabilitation : Insights from the Qualitative Study Part.” Conference presentation. In 6th Nursing Home Research International Conference, Toulouse, France, 2-3 June 2022.
Zigan, Nicole. “Enabling and Hindering Factors to Cope at Home Environment after Slow-Stream-Rehabilitation : Insights from the Qualitative Study Part.” 6th Nursing Home Research International Conference, Toulouse, France, 2-3 June 2022, 2022.

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