Publication type: Conference proceedings
Type of review: Peer review (abstract)
Title: Modeling the impact of the illumination geometry on the light conversion efficiency in quantum dot down-conversion films
Editors: Regnat, Markus
Pernstich, Kurt
Blülle, Balthasar
Jenatsch, Sandra
Heo, Moon K.
Ruhstaller, Beat
Conference details: International Conference on Display Technology ICDT, Hefei, China, 31 March - 3 April 2024
Issue Date: 3-Apr-2024
Language: English
Subject (DDC): 530: Physics
Fulltext version: Published version
License (according to publishing contract): Licence according to publishing contract
Departement: School of Engineering
Organisational Unit: Institute of Computational Physics (ICP)
Published as part of the ZHAW project: Advanced Materials and Characterization Tools for Quantum-Dot enhanced Displays
Appears in collections:Publikationen School of Engineering

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Modeling the impact of the illumination geometry on the light conversion efficiency in quantum dot down-conversion films. (2024). In M. Regnat, K. Pernstich, B. Blülle, S. Jenatsch, M. K. Heo, & B. Ruhstaller (Eds.), International Conference on Display Technology ICDT, Hefei, China, 31 March - 3 April 2024.
Regnat, M. et al. (eds) (2024) Modeling the impact of the illumination geometry on the light conversion efficiency in quantum dot down-conversion films, International Conference on Display Technology ICDT, Hefei, China, 31 March - 3 April 2024.
M. Regnat, K. Pernstich, B. Blülle, S. Jenatsch, M. K. Heo, and B. Ruhstaller, Eds., Modeling the impact of the illumination geometry on the light conversion efficiency in quantum dot down-conversion films. 2024.
REGNAT, Markus, Kurt PERNSTICH, Balthasar BLÜLLE, Sandra JENATSCH, Moon K. HEO und Beat RUHSTALLER (Hrsg.), 2024. Modeling the impact of the illumination geometry on the light conversion efficiency in quantum dot down-conversion films, 2024.
Regnat, Markus, Kurt Pernstich, Balthasar Blülle, Sandra Jenatsch, Moon K. Heo, and Beat Ruhstaller, eds. 2024. Modeling the Impact of the Illumination Geometry on the Light Conversion Efficiency in Quantum Dot Down-Conversion Films. International Conference on Display Technology ICDT, Hefei, China, 31 March - 3 April 2024.
Regnat, Markus, et al., editors. “Modeling the Impact of the Illumination Geometry on the Light Conversion Efficiency in Quantum Dot Down-Conversion Films.” International Conference on Display Technology ICDT, Hefei, China, 31 March - 3 April 2024, 2024.

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